S+i有機下午排毒能量茶 盒21包 (best before 30.6.2025)

HKD 259.00HKD 178.00



TASMANIA + NEW ZEALAND Storm+india有機下午排毒能量茶 盒/21個天然手工棉布茶包 best before 30.6.2025 下午排毒能量茶 DETOX AFTERNOON 心情 | 腸道健康 | 復活 Mood | Gut Health | Revive 21x3g 天然手工縫製的棉布手工茶包 採用來自中國和歐洲茶園的經過認證的有機原料製成。 它是一種傳統的植物性精華混合物,可促進幸福感。 發酵泥土普洱茶、有機博士茶、草莓和淡淡雲尼拿的迷人混合。 Our delicious wellness tea is made from certified organic ingredients from Chinese and European Tea Gardens. It’s a traditional blend of plant-based goodness to promote a sense of wellbeing. An intriguing blend of fermented earthy pu’erh, organic rooibos, strawberries and a hint of vanilla. 功能成分 FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENTS 可在整個下午支持您的情緒和能量水平,為您提供您渴望的甜味,同時進一步抑制對糖的渴望。 促進情緒的成分可讓您在一天結束時獲得精神振奮和頭腦清晰。 低咖啡因的選擇,不會影響您的睡眠。 A delicious blend to support your mood and energy levels through the afternoon. This blend of tea is designed to give you the sweet taste you are craving but curb further sugar cravings. Mood-boosting ingredients to give you the lift and mental clarity you are looking for towards the end of the day. A low caffeine choice that won’t disrupt your sleep. 有機成分 ORGANIC INGREDIENTS 普洱茶*、博士茶*、紅茶*、娜娜薄荷*、蜂蜜樹*、草莓屑*、雲尼拿粒* *有機認證、含咖啡因 Pu’erh Tea*, Rooibos*, Black Tea*, Nana Mint*, Honeybush*, Strawberry Bits*, Vanilla bits* *Certified Organic、Contains Caffeine 普洱茶 PU'ERH TEA - 用於製作普洱茶的發酵過程自然會產生一種神經遞質,可促進放鬆並減少焦慮。The fermentation process used to make Pu’erh tea naturally produces a neurotransmitter which promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. 博士茶 ROOIBOS - 已被證明對皮質醇的產生有鎮靜作用 - 我們的主要壓力荷爾蒙會全天上升,讓您感到筋疲力盡但無法入睡。Rooibos has been shown to have a calming effect on the production of cortisol - our main stress hormone which can rise throughout the day leaving you feeling drained but unable to sleep. 娜娜薄荷 NANA MINT - 娜娜薄荷在午餐後提供令人振奮的香味和消化支持,有效消化有助於減少午後疲勞。Nana Mint provides an uplifting scent and digestive support post-lunch, effective digestion helps to reduce afternoon fatigue. CERTIFICATION 新西蘭BioGro、有機認證、純素 、植物來源 BioGro New Zealand, Certified Organic, Vegan, Plant-based 享受 ENJOY WITH Paleo 香蕉麵包、杏仁、新鮮草莓、黑巧克力、藍莓鬆餅。 Paleo banana bread, almonds, fresh strawberries, dark chocolate, blueberry muffins. 浸泡方法 HOW TO INFUSE 將這種充滿活力的健康飲品作為傳統的熱茶或提神的冰茶來享用。 純黑茶。 每天喝一至兩杯。 熱茶:將茶包放入剛煮沸的 100°C 水中浸泡 3-5 分鐘。 冰茶:將茶包放入過濾過的冷水中浸泡 30 分鐘,加入冰塊、新鮮草莓片或新鮮薄荷。 每個茶包可以沖泡兩次。 Enjoy this energising wellness drink as a traditional hot tea or refreshing iced tea. SERVE - Straight black. Drink one to two cups per day. Hot Tea: Infuse teabag in freshly boiled 100°C water for 3-5 minutes. Iced Tea: Infuse teabag in filtered cold water for 30 minutes, add ice, fresh strawberry slices or fresh mint. Each teabag can be infused twice. 手工製作 CRAFTED BY HAND 所有Storm + India茶袋都經過精心設計,旨在呵護我們的身體和地球。 茶包是手工縫製的棉布,讓我們的純有機茶散發出濃郁的香氣,並使它們可以在家中堆肥(請先取下茶標籤)。 茶袋信封由可生物降解的植物材料製成。 茶盒在塔斯馬尼亞北部本地製造,採用 FSC 認證的回收紙板,並使用植物性油墨印刷。 家庭可堆肥 | 無塑料 Home compostable | Plastic free All Storm + India teabags have been mindfully designed to look after both our bodies and the planet. Our teabags are hand-stitched cotton, allowing our pure organic tea to develop its full aromatic flavour, and making them home compostable (please remove the tea tag first). Teabag envelopes are made from biodegradable plant-based material. Tea boxes are locally made in Northern Tasmania on FSC certified recycle board and printed with plant-based inks. Special features 特殊功能 • Certified organic 有機認證 • Convenient individual serves sealed for safety and freshness 獨立密封設計新鮮安全 • Hand-stitched cotton teabags 手工縫製的棉質茶包 • Cotton teabag designed for a double infusion 專為二次沖泡設計的棉質茶包 • Whole leaf tea and botanicals - not teabag dust 原片茶葉植物學 - 無壓碎、壓捲茶葉碎 • Plant-based envelope, home compostable 植物性包裝袋,可家中堆肥 • No-Plastic 無塑料 • Designed to make the perfect cup of tea 專為沖泡一杯完美的茶而設計 • Tea blends designed for hot or cold infusions 專為熱沖泡冷泡而設計的茶




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