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S+i 4in1有機天然手工棉布茶包16包 (best before 30.6.2025)
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TASMANIA + NEW ZEALAND Storm+india 4in1 有機天然手工棉布茶包 best before 30.6.2025 天然手工縫製的棉布手工茶包/盒16包 (4款茶味各4包) -早晨排毒養生茶 MORNING DETOX x4包 -下午排毒能量茶 AFTERNOON DETOX x4包 -晚間排毒安睡茶 EVENING DETOX x4包 -有機大吉嶺橙皮皇家伯爵茶 x4包 早午晚排毒茶的功效、成分詳情,請到個別分頁查看。 每日健康系列 DAILY WELLNESS COLLECTION Storm+india 完美的植物性日常健康儀式旨在幫助您排毒、補充能量、消化、補水、美容和放鬆。 Storm+india The perfect plant-based daily wellness ritual designed to help you detox, energise, digest, hydrate, beautify and relax. 手工製作 HANDCRAFTED Storm+india的手工縫製平紋細布茶袋採用傳統設計,讓茶葉散發出濃郁的香氣。茶袋和茶袋信封由可生物降解材料製成 (請先去除茶標籤) 可進行堆肥或回收。 Traditional in design, our handstitched muslin teabags allow our tea to develop its full aromatic flavour. Our teabags and teabag envelopes are made from biodegradable material, please compost or recycle, removing tea tag first. 早晨排毒養生茶 MORNING DETOX 植物藥和綠茶是在經過認證的有機茶園中種植的。 樸實的綠茶、爽口的檸檬草、甜橙皮和溫暖的香料以小批量手工混合,製成這款美味的健康飲品。Our Detox Morning botanicals and green tea are grown on certified organic tea gardens. Earthy green tea, zesty lemongrass, sweet orange peel and warming spice are blended by hand in small batches to create this delicious wellness drink. 下午排毒能量茶 AFTERNOON DETOX 植物藥和紅茶產自經過認證的有機茶園。 發酵泥土普洱茶、有機如意寶、草莓和少許香草被小批量手工混合,製成這款美味的健康飲品。 Our Detox Afternoon botanicals and black tea are grown on certified organic tea gardens. Fermented earthy pu’erh, organic rooibos, strawberries and a hint of vanilla are blended by hand in small batches to create this delicious wellness drink. 晚間排毒安睡茶 EVENING DETOX 植物藥是在經過認證的有機茶園中種植的。 甜甘草和鎮靜洋甘菊與新鮮薄荷和芬芳羅勒的天鵝絨般的混合物以小批量手工混合製成這種美味的健康飲品。Our Detox Evening botanicals are grown on certified organic tea gardens. A velvety blend of sweet liquorice and calming chamomile with fresh peppermint and fragrant basil are blended by hand in small batches to create this delicious wellness drink. 手工伯爵茶 AN ARTISAN EARL GREY TEA 一旦嘗試了Storm+india伯爵茶,將別無所求。傳統優雅的Earl Grey來自喜馬拉雅山腳下的高海拔有機紅茶以及純佛手柑油和曬乾的有機橙皮。搭配少許牛奶和糖享用,或者直沖搭配檸檬片。 Once you try our Earl Grey, you’ll wish for nothing else. A traditional, elegant tea, use high-altitude organic black tea from the foothills of the Himalaya mountains along with pure bergamot oil and sun-dried organic orange rind. A perfect aromatic afternoon pick-me-up, Earl Grey can be enjoyed with a splash of milk and sugar or black with a slice of lemon. CERTIFICATION 新西蘭BioGro、有機認證、純素、植物來源 BioGro New Zealand, Certified Organic, Vegan, Plant-based Special features 特殊功能 • Certified organic 有機認證 • Convenient individual serves sealed for safety and freshness 獨立密封設計新鮮安全 • Hand-stitched cotton teabags 手工縫製的棉質茶包 • Cotton teabag designed for a double infusion 專為二次沖泡設計的棉質茶包 • Whole leaf tea and botanicals - not teabag dust 原片茶葉植物學 - 無壓碎、壓捲茶葉碎 • Plant-based envelope, home compostable 植物性包裝袋,可家中堆肥 • No-Plastic 無塑料 • Designed to make the perfect cup of tea 專為沖泡一杯完美的茶而設計 • Tea blends designed for hot or cold infusions 專為熱沖泡冷泡而設計的茶
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